Friday, January 31, 2014

Science enhances STEAM project at GOPA and SOIT

Without any doubt, "SCIENCE" has enhanced the new STEAM project at GOPA and SOIT. Mrs. Glanton,  the School-Based Supervisor of Science at Eastside High School (including GOPA and SOIT,) has worked consistently with Art PIR Triada Samaras since the inception of the STEAM grant at the schools this year.  In the Georgia O'Keefe Flowers and Bones project, Mrs. Glanton met with Triada Samaras several times to discuss art/science links.

Mrs. Glanton has even been involved in the exhibition of the work.  Here is a picture of Ms. Glanton and Ms. Samaras standing in front of one of the O'Keefe Flowers and Bones exhibitions.  Samaras recently added a plastic protection sheet in front of the artwork and needed to find a way to determine a straight vertical line (perpendicular to the floor and ceiling) for the plastic.  Mrs. Glanton and one of her science teachers provided Samaras with a plumb line, which Samaras is holding in her hand in this image.

Above WPU Art PIR Triada Samaras and Science Supervisor Levette Glanton

Below is a quote from Ms. Glanton:
"I think that the STEAM project is a wonderful idea.  The collaboration among art and science teachers provides enrichment opportunities to inspire students to study science through hands-on artistic pursuits. This integration of art into the science curriculum helps students to combine aesthetic design with scientific knowledge."

Levette Glanton
School-Based Supervisor of Science at Eastside High School

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