A vibrant and interesting technology/art/art history collaboration was recently created at NRC/New Roberto Clemente School in Paterson, NJ as part of the new STEAM program at NRC. The STEAM program in Paterson has grown to include not only NRC but also Schools 12 and 29, making the total STEAM schools now eight this year.
At NRC, WPU Art Professor in Residence Triada Samaras joins Professor in Residence, Betsy Golden and STEAM Grant Co-ordinator/PIR Dina Scacchetti to implement a new STEAM program at NRC.
Three participating teachers at NRC left to right: Ms. Mandal Art, Ms. Selino Technology, Ms. Senopole Art,
This STEAM collaboration was created In celebration of Hispanic Hispanic Heritage Month month in October at NRC and combines art, art history, and technology. Students researched prominent Hispanic artists and featured them in colorful and creative posters made with technology. Students worked with two art teachers, Ms. Senopole, and Ms. Mandal, as well as Ms. Selino, technology teacher.
Above: Ms. Selino, technology teacher stands in front of one of the
bulletin boards in the hallway
Below: Two Examples of NRC Student Work done for this project using art, art history and technology.
A rubric was given to each student for assessment purposes:
In other classrooms at NRC, STEAM is manifesting in other ways. Ms. Munem's social studies classes, grades 6-8, used art to learn science.
Above and below:
Ms. Munem exhibits student's use of artistic strips and markers to study the research method.
Above and right: Ms. Cuningham, 8th grade science teacher, has her science students using art materials and various "foldables" techniques to make individualized and creative science journals.
Left: WPU Art Professor in Residence, Triada Samaras, admires a bi-lingual STEAM bulletin board created by Ms. Gonzalez, bi-lingual teacher.
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