Sunday, October 27, 2019

Engineering Design at Don Bosco Technical Academy

At Don Bosco Technical Academy Ms. Post's 6th grade science class designed structures to hold a raw egg during a "drop." This STEAM lesson challenged her students to design their structures in creative ways in order to protect the raw egg during a ten foot drop from the top of a school stairwell onto the floor below.  Materials used for this lesson included cardboard, scissors, masking tape, bubble wrap, egg cartons, and raw eggs.  Ms. Post encouraged her students to work collaboratively to invent a structure using the engineering design process for the egg drop.

Students were thrilled to test their engineering structures in the stairwell at Don Bosco. Art PIR Triada Samaras and PIR Robin O'Brine from Willai Paterson University observed the students testing their structures. Many eggs made it unharmed down to the floor from the ten foot drop above. Back in the science classroom, Ms. Post instructed her students to answer questions in their science journals about the project.

In the next phase of this egg drop project students will design structures for a steeper egg drop from the roof of the school building! Stay tuned....

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