Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Rome and Arts Integration at School 9

Recently, WPU PIR Simone Sandler has sent in the following news from
School 9: "At school 9 students in the 6th grade were studying about 
Ancient Rome."
"In groups the students researched the characteristics of the coliseum and 
recreated the structure, including the study of the various columns."  
Several students created gladiators and animals for the battles that were 
placed inside the building."  Simone Sandler

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

New M.Ed in STEAM at WPU

There is an all new M.Ed. program at WPU that has been partly informed by the Dodge 
Grant Arts Integration Grant in the Paterson Public Schools over the past 7 years.  

This new program, M. Ed in Curriculum and Learning: STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) will be a Hybrid Program. It will appeal to many of the Paterson teachers in the many Dodge Arts Integration Grant teachers who have participated in STEAM activities under this grant.  Many thanks to all the Paterson teachers, staff, administrators, WPU PIRS, WPU Professors and Administrators who have contributed much to this growing movement of successful arts integration curriculum in the urban, public school settings.

It can now be found on the WPU Facebook page:

M. Ed in Curriculum and Learning: STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) - Hybrid Program