On Friday March 6, WP PIR Robin O'Brien and WP Art PIR Triada Samaras conducted two arts integration workshops for all teachers at the District-wide Professional Development Day at Don Bosco Technical Academy/DBTA.
Above left: WP Art PIR Triada Samaras; right: WP PIR Robin O'Brien
Above left: Professor Samaras; middle: Dr An; and right: Ms. Kaminski
Co-presenting with Ms. O'Brien and Ms. Samaras were DBTA science teacher, Jennifer Post, and art teacher, Patti Kaminsky.

Left: art teacher, Ms. Kamiski and below, far right: science tacher, Ms. Post

Co-presenting with Ms. O'Brien and Ms. Samaras were DBTA science teacher, Jennifer Post, and art teacher, Patti Kaminsky.

Left: art teacher, Ms. Kamiski and below, far right: science tacher, Ms. Post
Above: FLyer for the Professional Development Day at DB
Professor Samaras and Ms. Kaminski conducted the bookmaking workshop wit a large group of DB teachers. Professor Samaras has been teaching three types of bookmaking techniques to content area teachers at DBTA this winter, See LINK

WP PIR Robin O'Brien and Ms. Post conducted the pendulum painting workshop for the rest of the DB teachers. Pendulum painting was presented by Professor Samaras at last summer's WP Annual Arts Integration Institute 2019. Ms. Post next used the pendulum painting lesson to teach an arts integration class to her 6th grade science class in November 2019. See LINK.