Tuesday, May 27, 2014

William Paterson University Art Professor Visits the STEAM program

On Tuesday afternoon May 13, William Paterson University Art Professor Michael Rees, who is also the Director for the Center of New Art, visited students in the GOPA and SOIT STEAM program.  Also in attendance were art teachers Marilyn Simon and Darryl Jones, Art PIR Triada Samaras and Math and Science PIR Dina Scacchetti.

Above and Left:  Professor Rees presents to Eastside STEAM students

Professor Rees, who spoke to the students in the media center, presented his personal art works first, explaining both the material as well the digital aspects of his sculptures.  Furthermore, he discussed the content of his works explaining the themes that interest him as an artist.  In addition, he introduced the concept of three D technology to the students and its relationship to his processes.  Rees was visibly excited by the possibilities of this technology for a wide variety of uses even beyond artistic ones and helped captivate the students' interest in this new and innovative area.  Students listened carefully and asked many thoughtful and critical questions. 

In addition, Professor Rees presented a video on one of the many potential medical and therapeutic uses of the this amazing technology.  Students learned how new and improved prosthetic fingers and hands are made easily possible with three D printer technology.  Professor Rees stressed that in a short time every household might own a three D printer and use it to make an endless variety of ordinary gadgets and pieces for the house and everyday living.

WPU Graduate Student Brian Sandilands then discussed his sculptures with the students as well as his trip to Italy where he and Rees spent time in Carrara, which is famous for its marble.

Lastly Rees explained to the students that they will travel next week to the WPU Power Art Building to experience three D printing technology for themselves.  Both students and teachers are looking forward to participating in this upcoming field trip.

                                                                        Professor Michael Rees and Math and Science PIR DIna Scacchetti


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